Dr Jayalakshmi S
Senior Lecturer
Dr. .Jayalakshmi finished her BDS at Saveetha Dental College, Chennai in the year 2006. She was a meritorious candidate and was the recipient of 4 medals in her UG one of which was for the subject of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. She was awarded scholarship and sent on an externship programme to the Glasgow Dental School, UK. She did PGCE (Post
Graduate Certification in Endodontics) in Meenakshi Ammal Dental College under IGNOU (Indra Gandhi National Open University) in 2012. She completed her MDS in the specialty of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics in Sri Ramakrishna Dental College in 2015, and was awarded The Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical University medal for securing the highest marks in university exams. She was a recipient of many Best Paper and Poster awards and National level Quiz awards in both UG and PG. She has completed an online course on “University
Teaching” from Johns Hopkins University and passed it with distinction. She is working as a Senior Lecturer in Saveetha Dental College since 2015 and has achieved many awards in the college such as the “Best Clinical Training Award” and “Workoholic award.